The Villages TaeKwonDo
SeaBreeze Recreation Center
Courtesy - Integrity - Perserverance - Self Control - Indomitable Spirit

Mandatory safety equipment for all divisions will be the following: Foam type hand pads, feet pads, headgear, shin guards and mouth guard. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Competitors are highly encouraged to wear a safety cup, chest protectors and face shield.
1. Sparring matches are 2-minute rounds. A win is accomplished by the first competitor to reach 5 points, or the competitor with the most points at the end of the 2-minute round.
2. All punches and kicks to the body only score 1 point. This includes a back fist or a reverse punch to the side, back or front of the headgear and a reverse punch to the body. A jab, however, will not constitute a point; with hand techniques, there will be NO facial contact. NO open hand techniques and NO points to the top of the headgear permitted. In order to score a point, there must be LIGHT contact to the target area and if any blood is drawn it will result in an immediate disqualification.
3. Kicks are allowed with LIGHT contact to the body above the belt. Kicks to the body are worth 1 point and kicks to the head are worth 2. The target areas with a head kick include the face, side and back of the headgear. The top of the head is NOT a target, ax kick to the top of the head is allowed only if it is executed with the sole of the foot.
4. Target areas, which are NOT ALLOWED, include: the spine, all joints and any targets below the belt.
5. A competitor may not score a point if one or both feet are out of the ring; however, they may be scored upon.
6. There will be no foot checks, sweeps of any kind or takedowns allowed, no grabbing or holding and no spinning back fists.
7. The competitors must be able to clearly hear the Ring judges at all times, therefore excessive coaching or yelling from outside spectators will not be allowed during the fight. One warning will be given and then the competitor may be disqualified.
8. Rings will be judged by 3 to 5 judges. ALL JUDGES have the authority to stop the fight to call for a count and/or to call for a warning for poor technique or sportsmanship. The Center Ring Judge is responsible for the safety of both competitors, therefore he/she has the authority to:
a. Stop the fight to call a point
b. Stop the fight to give warnings as needed
c. IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFY WITHOUT DISCUSSION with other judges if he deems it necessary
d. Call for a judge’s conference to discuss a warning or disqualification
Judges call for a point or foul by yelling STOP, Center Ring Judge then calls for a show and the judges raise flags simultaneously for a point or holding flag down for a foul.
9. Competitors who demonstrate poor conduct or sportsmanship will be immediately disqualified.
10. The time will run continuously through the fight and only be stopped whenever the Center Ring Judge DIRECTLY TELLS THE TIMEKEEPER to stop time.